News News

Thank you to everyone who donated!

We are excited that Local Giving is holding a special Fundraising Day for small charities and Apollo Music Projects is taking part!

On Thursday 22nd June, donations up to £25 made through our Local Giving page will be doubled. We are letting our friends and supporters know about this great opportunity and we hope you might pass this message on to anyone you know who might be interested hearing about Apollo and who might want to support us – at any level! Whether it’s £5 or £25, on 22nd June all donations up to £25 will be matched until the £25,000 matched funding is gone, so set your alarms for 10am! 

Why not turn your donation into a Friends of Apollo Music Projects membership? On 22ndJune only, we will offer membership at a reduced rate of £25 (normally £30) to anyone who donates through Local Giving.

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News News

Welcome to our new Trustees!

We are delighted to announce our three new trustees: Clare Buxton, Meriel Cartwright and Abigail Malortie. Many thanks to all those who applied. We had an incredibly high level of applicants, and really enjoyed meeting all of them. We are really looking forward to working with Meriel, Clare and Abigail and seeing them at our workshops and concerts.

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News News

Friends of Apollo Music Projects Event

We are excited to be hosting a special evening event for our Friends at Sutton Housea beautiful National Trust-owned Tudor manor house (E9 6JQ) in East London. There will be drinks and nibbles, some words from our Friends' President, writer and comedian, Armando Iannucciand a string quartet will do a demonstration of the kind of work we do in schools. This will be a great chance to meet the AMP team and other supporters and hear more about the importance of bringing live classical music into classrooms!
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News, º News, º

New Associate Artist announced

We are delighted to welcome violinist Elena Urioste to our Apollo Associate Artists Programme. Elena is a current BBC New Generation Artist and Sphinx Organization Laureate. She will be visiting schools taking part in the Apollo programme...

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News News

'The Arts empower children' a new publication proclaims!

"Access to the arts and culture is access to our national life, and is the universal right of every child."Find out about a new study that supports the importance of what we do, here at Apollo Music Projects. The publications is called ImagineNation: the value of cultural learning and you can read for yourself how bringing music into classrooms...

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News News

Big Give Christmas Challenge Success!

Thank you to everyone who donated to us during the Big Give Christmas Challenge! hanks also to our matched funding from The Childhood Trust which helped us raise a total of £21,808. We are so thankful for this generous support and we are excited to continue bridging the gap between disadvantaged children and the magic of classical music.Apollo Music at Columbia School, Hackney. London.

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News News

Thank you for voting!

Many thanks to all who voted for Apollo Music Projects in the AVIVA Community Fund Finals. Unfortunately we didn't make the final list, despite a valiant effort. If you haven't yet voted for us in the Music Teacher Awards, there is still time, as voting closes on 30 November. Thanks so much for supporting Apollo Music Projects!aviva-community-fund-banner-300x250-1  

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News News

Apollo Music Projects - 2017 Music Teacher Awards Finalist!

We are delighted to announce that Apollo Music Projects has been selected as a finalist for the Best Classical Music Education Initiative Award at the 2017 Music Teacher Awards for Excellence. This is a wonderful acknowledgement of the value of our work. The winner will be decided by a public vote on Classic FM. Voting is now closed. Thanks for supporting us!mtawards17-classical-musical-initiative-finalist-badge

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News News

Grow your Tenner now open until 28 November - double your £10 donation!

If you have £10 to spare, and would like to see it magically turn into £20, or even more with Gift Aid, please donate to Apollo Music Projects here, and localgiving will double your donation with funds from the Office for Civil Society and a philanthropist's generous donation. Grow your Tenner runs from 18 October-28 November, but act soon, as the match funding is limited. PLEASE only donate £10, as only £10 will be matched. You can only make one £10 donation to Apollo Music Projects. If you do want to donate a larger amount, don't worry - we have an even bigger match funding campaign coming up in late November, so please wait until then or get in touch. Thanks so much for supporting us!Apollo Music at Columbia School, Hackney. London.

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